2024-06-27点击数: 编辑:
[糖醋鸡块](做法中英文对照注解) 用料:腍脷大只鸡髀2只(重约600克),姜丝1汤匙,葱2条切丝,鸡蛋半只。 腌料: 麻油、胡椒粉少许,盐1/3茶匙。 芡: 浙醋3汤匙,水3汤匙 ,茄汁11/2汤匙,糖21/2汤匙,生粉一茶匙,盐1/4茶匙。 做法: 1、鸡髀洗净抹干水,斩件(或去骨,肉切厚件);加腌料腌20分钟。 2、鸡蛋加生粉2汤匙拌匀成浓糊状,加入鸡块拦匀。 3、烧热平底镬或中式镬,放下适量之油烧滚,将鸡一件件放入油镬中,炸熟捞起。 4、在镬中放下1汤匙油,爆香姜丝,下芡煮滚,放下鸡块炒匀上碟,放下葱丝。 注:浙醋可用大红浙醋或镇江香醋均可。 CHICKEN IN SWEET AND SOUR SAUCE Iogredients: 2 chicken legs, about 11/3 1b ; 1 tbsp shredded ginger; 2 spring onions,shredded;1/2 egg Marinade: Dash of sesame oil and pepper;1/3 tsp salt Thickening: 3 tbsp red vinegar; 3 tbsp water;11/2 tbsp tomato sauce; 21/2 tbsp tomato sauce; 21/2 tbsp sugar ; 1 tsp mung bean flour; 1/4 tsp salt Method: 1.Wash, wipe and chop chicken legs into pieces. Marinate for 20 minutes. 2.Blend egg with 2 tbsp of mung bean flour.Add in chicken and mix well. 3.Heat up enough oil in frying pan or wok.Add in chicken gradually and deepfry until cooked.Drain. 4.Saute ginger with 1 tbsp of oil. Pour in thickening and bring to boil.Add in chicken. Mix well.Dish up.Sprinkle with spring onions. * Red vinegar is Zhejiang vinegar.
清蒸龙利鱼 Steamed Flounder 宫保鱿鱼 Kung Pao Squid 椒盐虾 Salt & Pepper Shrimp